Friday, October 19, 2018

A Social Democrat

On July 25, 2018, The America Blog published a blog by John Aravosis which titled “Would Americans Vote For A Socialist?”. In the blog, Aravosis shares an ironical message that people keep giving the same opinions:“ They wouldn’t vote for a candidate who was socialist”( 2018), but when those people were asked about a specific socialist candidate as Bernie Sanders, they support strongly for him: “Quinnipiac found in May that Sanders would beat Trump by 10 points”( 2018). For Aravosis, “socialism” is a marketing problem, which is a “dirty” word to the majority of Americans, and even a majority of Democrats. Yet, he also uses Obamacare as his evidence about the effect of marketing on the society. When asked about Obama’s health-care reform plan without being given any details about what the legislation includes, 49 percent opposed it and 40 percent were in favor. But after hearing key features of the legislation described, 48 percent supported the plan and 43 percent remained opposed (2018). At this point, Aravosis believes that in politics, marketing can matter more than substance.
However, I disagree with the author. From some other reports which has the same topic, some unknown name authors affirm reliably that Sanders is not socialists. He is a Social Democrats. He wants a more humane version of capitalism where business interests aren’t above democracy and the rights of individuals. He advocate for an economy-wide seizure of the means of production, which in political theory is the defining feature of socialism (2018).
In my opinion, Aravosis’ s blog is similar to to the summary of the news. He does not give credit for the sources that he uses. Yet, the author does not have a clear understanding of the person he wants to mention, so he provides incorrect information that made him lose points to the reader.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Make Immigration Great Again

On September 24, 2018, the New York Time published an article by Tung Nguyen and Sherry Hirota titled “Trump’s Next Target: Legal Immigrants”. In the article, Dr. Nguyen,who is a professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. and Ms. Hirota, who is a chief executive of Asian Health Services in Oakland, California disagree strongly on the Trump’s administration. President Trump proposed potentially “denying green cards to immigrants who have used any of a much wider range of non-cash public benefits”( September 24,2018). Dr. Nguyen convinces the audiences by using an example of a Chinese child, who came over the active tuberculosis by the community health center’s support.
In my opinion, I agree with the author. The president Trump proposed the rule because he thinks that we are spending too much money taxes on the immigrants who abuse the government’s supports.In fact, they are just using their rights to take care of their health. Who do not want to have a healthy life? Therefore, narrowing the medicaid on the immigrants or denying green cards to immigrants who have used any of a much public benefits is unfair for those people. The rule steps another step to use the fear and cruelty to drive out legal, as well as illegal, immigrants.
Obviously, even though the immigrants are legal or illegal, the administration is a public effort to crack down on the immigrants. It will motivate the political base in time for the middle election. This is a real debate. The country is speaking up for those immigrants and maybe for themselves. If they lose on the debate, they may lost the chances to meet and live with their family. The country was built on hard work, strong families, respect and kindness. Those values dictates that we care for one another, that we know that we are only as strong as the most vulnerable among us.